Wednesday, January 20, 2016

15. Take Two

Dawson moving in with Kalina was a good step for us to take.

I could trust her and I knew he would stay out of trouble being somewhere safe. He went to work every day, and came home every night. Everything was on track. I still didn't tell my dad I was seeing Dawson again, I was too scared to. Every time I would go to his house I would just tell my dad I was going to Kalina's. He didn't know Dawson lived with her though. I felt bad hiding the truth from him but at the time I felt like I had no other option.

I quit my job shortly after Dawson moved in with Kalina. I couldn't stand being there anymore. It was extremely stressful and my boss was constantly upsetting me. I ended up getting hired at Finish Line as well. I was shocked when Tim called to hire me because I was almost positive I bombed that interview.

My best friend Kyla and her boyfriend needed a job, so Dawson hooked them both up with one at Rosco's. I was so excited because my best friend and boyfriend could spend more time together and a part of me knew that Kyla would keep an eye on him for me.

At this time Kalina was pregnant and she was not working, so she had just scraped by the month and a half  Dawson was there. Eventually it got to the point where she had to move out because she needed to do what was best for her and try and get back on track financially for the baby. So once again we were struggling to figure out where Dawson was going to go. A kid he worked with lived just a few blocks away from where Dawson and Kalina were. He had a spare room and was struggling to pay his rent so he invited Dawson to take the room. This kid had no drug issues although he was a recovering alcoholic. That would be perfect for Dawson because there would be a common ground and someone who could help him through any dark times.

We moved him into there towards the end of August. Dawson was happy and healthy and he really enjoyed working for Rosco.
Nothing negative really happened for awhile, everything was going as planned and after a certain amount of time I told my dad I was seeing Dawson again.

That didn't go as well as I hoped. My dad was livid. He lectured me and yelled at me and told me he would never be welcomed in our house. I didn't ever argue to much with my dad, I usually would just respond with okay because I didn't want to fight. I accepted the fact my dad hated Dawson but I also hoped with the progress Dawson would make that my dad would come around.
My mom was very accepting of Dawson as always, and my sister was not excited about me being with him. When he hurt me, it killed my family to see me in such a horrible place. My sister just wanted to protect me so she wasn't as forgiving to Dawson as I was.

The people I worked with at Finish Line were all amazing and very caring. Tim always asked about Dawson and I. He cared a lot about all of his staff and always wanted to make sure we were happy. I worked with a girl named Callie sometimes who I'm pretty sure hated me. My managers were all super cool and fun to be around.

Summer was coming to an end and Dawson was now 3 months clean. I was so proud of him.

Mid October Kyla asked me to go to dinner with her. She told me that she needed to talk to me about Dawson. I just knew she was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear and I instantly got sick to my stomach. Now Kyla was my best friend since7 years old so I knew whatever she was about to tell me had to of been something she was sure of.

She told me she had heard that Dawson was slapping a girls ass that worked there...a 16 year old girl in fact. She told me this girl had personally talked to her because she knew he was dating me and thought it was wrong and it made her uncomfortable. Not only did Kyla tell me this but I had also received a Facebook message from one of Dawson's co-manager's girlfriend. I didn't trust the girl who sent me the message because she was a huge jealous bitch. But when Kyla told me, I had to believe it. We were sitting at dinner and I just looked at Kyla and she new from looking at me that I wasn't okay, not even in the slightest. My hands were shaking and I text Dawson and said..
"We need to talk"

Kyla encouraged me to get his side of the story before I lost my mind on him. After we left dinner I immediately drove to Dawson's.
I showed him the Facebook message but didn't tell him Kyla told me. Dawson looked me in the eye and swore to me that it wasn't true.
I was so relieved and I really did want to believe him but I still had my doubts. I needed to ask the girl herself if he really did slap her butt.

I needed to know, so I planned on confronting her that next day when Dawson went into work.